Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dr's vist and update!

Sorry I haven't been on here... Ive been trying to de-clutter my house and sell off some things that we didn't need!

Anyway in a nutshell here's whats been going on:

I haven't gone on the elliptical or bike YET... but I have gone on at least a mile walk each day, sometimes twice a day when Drew gets home. So I'm at least doing that.

Ive been eating healthier meals but I find that I am STILL midnight snacking. Tonight if I wake up I am just going to drink a huge glass of water and see if that helps.

As for weight loss... my scale still says 156 :( However, I went to eh Dr's today and my weight was at 155. 1 pound makes all the difference! PLUS--I was wearing heavy jeans and a heavier shirt... so that MUST weigh at least a pound right? My goal by next Tuesday is to be down to 150 even. I WILL do it.

Ive been reading Adaminas blog and she inspires me to eat more salads and fruit... so that's my plan for tomorrow also. Go to the store and buy a bunch of fruit. I also have to go to the bakery outlet (its my FAV place)... but they just sell discounted bread! I'm a sucker for a deal! They have 100 calorie bagels there... I will get those :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


For those of you that don't know, I am also breastfeeding which is why I cant go on a super diet. I need to at LEAST take in 1200 calories a day, but it's recommended that I eat at least 500-700 extra calories to up my milk supply. I haven't been actually counting calories, but I have been trying to watch what I eat with a little cheat here and there :)

Day 9: Meals, Workout, and Photos!

Breakfast: a cup of tea with some sugar and creamer and an English muffin with some peanut butter.
Snack: None
Lunch: 2 slices of ham between 2 pieces of wheat toast (with some light mayo on it) and a banana. I had 2 more slices of ham then :)
Dinner: Salmon with white rice and 1 1/2 pieces of corn on the Cobb! a diet crush too :)
Snack: chocolate chips cookies...2 :)

Workout: 25 reps on the ab slide and push ups in the morning
25 reps on the ab slide at lunch
took a nap (it keeps you refreshed!)
a mile and a half walk with the family!

PICTURES! I cleaned the mirrors! Sorry they are different colors... I used the flash in some and then not in others!

Belly after a week of crunches and minus 4 pounds

Side ViewWith a shirt on


I don't see too much of a change... maybe my abs UNDER the flab are tighter, but that's it. I do notice my shorts are fitting better in general though and my legs are toning up a bit... so for 8 days I'm pretty happy!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 8: Meals and Workout

Workout: 30 minutes on the elliptical machine (finally!)
around 75 crunches on my ab slide so far
50 pushups
a mile walk with the family

Breakfast: I skipped! I fell asleep with the baby!
Lunch: Turkey sandwich with a few sun chips
Snack: Banana
Dinner: Taco salad with more tacos than salad ;)
Snack: Ramen Noodles (OOPS!) The sodium itself is gonna kill me!

Pictures Tomorrow

I will update with weekly pictures tomorrow... keep a look out for them!

Weekly Weigh In

Delivery Weight: 189
Week 1 Start Weight: 160
Week 2 Start Weight: 156

Total Loss: 4 pounds! I'd say that's a good loss for my 1st week!

Goal Weight: 130
26 pounds to go!

Now if I can only get back on the elliptical machince Im sure more weight would fall off!

Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm sorry I haven't posted!

I didn't post about day day 6 or 7! Its not like it has been hectic or anything... I think I'm just being lazy! Well, I'll kind of give you whats been going on in a nutshell:

We've done at least a 2 mile walk everyday. I have not found a single second to get on the elliptical machine... once one child is sleeping/calm/busy, the other finds a way to get my attention! So... i find that I have been mostly working out by doing sit ups and push ups the past 3 days. Tomorrow is my weigh in day, so lets hope for good numbers!

Meals... well yesterday I remember I had salmon and rice for dinner, but I don't remember much else! Oh, I did have a 45 calorie fudgecicle to quench my chocolate need! Today I had an apple for breakfast, some left over London broil for lunch, a few crackers and hummus, and dinner I had a cheeseburger that drew made.

On a side note, I did find an old ab machine that i used back in high school that I LOVED. Its called the "ab slide". Very weird tool but you can feel the burn! So I have been doing sets of 25 on that instead of sit ups. Check in tomorrow for my weight...... YIKES!

The infamous AB SLIDE!

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Ok, so I posted yesterday about having a cheat day. Well today was it! My friend was having a housewarming party and she makes AMAZING food so I knew I would blow my 1200-1700 calorie diet in one sitting. I still did get in a little exercise today, but not as much as I had planned. Tomorrow is a new day though!

1 mile walk with the family and the 2 extra dogs we are dog sitting! 25 crunches and I will do a few more before bed along with pushups.

Breakfast: a banana
Snack: whatchamacallit candy bar (yikes!), cheese and pepperoni slices, and I think some hummus with a few crackers
Lunch: a few slices of left over london broil and 1/2 corn on the cobb
Dinner (this is the killer!): too many salad type things to name (2 pasta,seafood, etc.), beef brisket (3- 1/2 cup servings!) green beans, a couple devilled eggs, baked beans, a chocolate brownie with some sort of icing on it AND a crust to a pie. YIKES! Thank goodness I have this cheat day!

BBBBBAAAAAAAAAADDDD dinner! Ok ok, so tomorrows a new day!

On, also, i have NOT been able to get a workout in on the elliptical! Potty training is going os great but is soooooo time consuming. Tomorrow I need to kick ass on it!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Day 4: Workout and Meals

A mile+ walk with both of the kids around the neighborhood and to the park. I also have been doing a lot around the house cleaning so that has to count for something! Tonight is elliptical night and I am excited!

Breakfast (random!): 1 98% ff Hebrew National Hot dog on a slice of wheat bread with ketchup and mustard.
Lunch: Leftover spaghetti from last night with 2 meatballs and a handful of What thins with hummus
Dinner: London Broil with a side salad and corn on the cobb

Cheat Day

Ive decided that I am going to have ONE day where I cheat and eat not so healthy. This might give me just the extra motivation to stay on track and eat healthier. I haven't decided exactly what day it should be... maybe I shouldn't designate a day and just go with the flow! If Im having a bad day and want to indulge, that will be my one day that week!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 3: Workout and Meals

15 min on the stationary bike this morning (that's all I could squeeze in)! We are potty training our 2 1/2 year old and she feels that mommy has to be in the bathroom at all times with her... daddy jut doesn't cut it. So that limits how much time I can spend doing one thing before it's potty time again!
Went on a mile walk with the family!
Its alreayd 9:30 and I havent been able to fit in my last exercise on the elliptical since the little boy is still up, so once he goes to bed I am going to do some push ups and sit ups and some lunges! I WILL get a workout in tomorrow morning though!

Breakfast: Bowl of Special K berries and yogurt
Lunch: 2 slices of wheat toast with ham and a little mayo on it
Dinner: Whole Wheat Spaghetti with home made meatballs!
Snack: 6 sun chips (yikes!) and some wheat thins with roasted red pepper hummus.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 2: Workout and Meals

I decided to not post my weight daily... if I did that, then I would get frustrated and think that I wasn't losing weight! So I decided to make Tuesday's my weigh in day since I started my workouts on a Tuesday. I'm still weighing myself on the off days, but it will look much better on paper (or screen- lol) if I only post it once a week.

A mile walk with the family after dinner. Push ups and crunches before bed. (I'm trying to alternate my "machine" workouts with less intensive ones to give me some muscle confusion and to give my muscles a break!)

Breakfast: 2 slices of wheat toast with 2 slices of ham in the middle
Lunch: Lunch date with the hubby! We went to Le Peep and I got a chicken spinach and mushroom sandwich with a side salad and a diet soda. I snuck in about 4 of hubby's beer battered waffle fries.. I couldnt resist!
Dinner: Left over hamburger from a few nights ago.. boring!
Snacks: a few cucumber slices, a few slices of pepperoni, and before bed I had a bowl of special K berries and yogurt!
Let's hope I dont snack AFTER I go to bed!

Goals for tomorrow: Morning work out on the bicycle, eat well, afternoon walk with the family AND a night time session on the elliptical. I'm also going to make a nice family dinner.. I have a bunch of chicken and hanburger... so who knows what I'll make!


Yesterday I weighed myself in the morning and weighed in at 159 pounds. I had my 6 week postpartum check up and when I went to the doctors I weighed in at 158! I know its only a 1 pound difference, but it made me feel really good!

On the flip side, I just ordered a bridesmaids dress for my best friends wedding on October 24th and with my measurements, they measured me in at a size 12. My waist is a size 8 but my boobs and hips are a size 12! I can understand the boobs... I'm still breastfeeding and they are ginormous! I'm used to being a size 4-6 so saying that I'm a size 12 was just heartbreaking! I knew it was coming though... oh well, more motivation to lose the weight!

This is the dress I have to fit into... at least the stomach is flattering!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 1: Workout and Photos

Weight: 159
Goal: 130
29 pounds to go

Workout today: 30 min on the stationary bike. I ended the day with 20 min on the elliptical machine... I felt pretty good!

Breakfast-a bowl of special K chocolate-- yummy!
Lunch: Egg Salad on 2 slices of wheat bread
Snack: Some Hot Tamale Candies, a handfulof frosted mini wheats
Dinner: BREAKFAST! I had eggs (3), a slice of wheat toast, a few burnt hash browns (thanks hubby!), and 3 small ham slices.
Snack: around 10 strawberries and a slice of pepper jack cheese!
I also woke up TWICE and ate :( I had a nutrigain bar and a handful of mini wheats again... its the midnight snacking thats killing me!

Sorry for the pictures...I took these AFTER my workout this morning. After looking at them, I noticed that I really should have cleaned the mirrors before I took them.. guess that's what I'm doing after I post this!

Who I am and what I gained!

Let me start off by introducing myself. My name is Kristen, I'm 25 years old and a mother to two beautiful children, and I need to get back into shape! My daughter is just a few weeks shy of being 2 and a half (going on 18), and my son is a day shy of being 6 weeks old. When I got pregnant with my daughter, I took the whole "eating for two" saying literally. I was working long hours, on my feet most of the day, and when I wasn't busy, I was eating. I gained 60 pounds total with that pregnancy. My normal, athletic frame had turned into mush and I was big. I mean BIG. I started off my pregnancy at 128 pounds and when I delivered my daughter, I weighed in at 189 pounds. I got stretch marks on my hips starting at around 28 weeks (thick ones) and on my lower belly after I delivered. I also got stretch marks on my inner thighs that extended down to almost my knees. GROSS. Here's what those ones look like now:

I ended up losing the majority of the weight by four month post partum, and had to use the help of weight watchers to carry me the rest of the way. I ended up being 133 pounds when all was said and done, and I was pretty happy with that weight.

Anyway, almost two years later my husband and I decided to try for a second child. We got pregnant right away, and this time I vowed to eat healthier, exercise more, and gain only the necessary amount of weight needed to have a healthy child. My body had other plans. Although I did eat healthier and was active more, the pounds kept creeping up on me... depressing me. We decided that my body NEEDS the extra weight when I'm pregnant. I don't know why, but I gained almost the same amount of weight this pregnancy and lived and ate differently. I started my second pregnancy weighting in at 133 and the day of delivery, I was 189.. the same weight I was when I delivered my first child! However, this time I only gained 55 pounds!

I thought to myself "easy peesy! This weight will come off in no time!"... So I left the hospital two days after delivery and weighed in at 181! Who pops out a 7 oz 10.5 kid plus fluids and comes out only 8 pounds lighter? This wasn't fair! I found out it was water weight gain, plus my milk was coming in which HAD to have added 10 pounds to my boobs... they were ginormous!

Let's fast forward 6 weeks. Here I am, 159 pounds. I have officially lost 30 pounds but am FAR from where I want to be... where I NEED to be. My goal is to be 130 pounds by October 8th, which is when we are taking a trip to Las Vegas for my Brother In Laws 21st birthday. I have almost 2 months to lose the rest of the weight.

My goal is to workout everyday (some days harder than others) and start back up on weight watchers. I will be documenting my progress on here, so feel free to leave comments! Motivation is the KEY!

I also saw there was a Victoria's Secret Sale on their Miracle Bra Bathing Suits... I might have to buy one for extra motivation.... :)

Oh, and I do want to mention one thing. I am not ashamed of my stretch marks. It took me 2 years to not be ashamed of them, but it reminds me everyday that my body was capable of bringing two amazing kids into this world. And, although I would rather have gone without them, I couldn't prevent them and won't deny that they are there. So, you shouldn't be ashamed either!